うれしなき『A Christmas Inspiration』12


That lady's face was a study.

A Christmas Inspiration


Amazement, incredulity, wonder, chased each other over it, succeeded by a glow of pleasure.

A Christmas Inspiration


On the floor before her was a snug little pyramid of parcels topped by Jean's letter.

A Christmas Inspiration


On a chair behind it was a bowl of delicious hot-house roses and Nellie's placard.

A Christmas Inspiration


Miss Allen looked down the hall but saw nothing, for Jean had slammed the door just in time.

A Christmas Inspiration


Half an hour later when they were going down to breakfast Miss Allen came along the hall with outstretched hands to meet them.

A Christmas Inspiration


She had been crying again, but I think her tears were happy ones; and she was smiling now.

A Christmas Inspiration


A cluster of Jean's roses were pinned on her breast.

A Christmas Inspiration


"Oh, girls, girls," she said, with a little tremble in her voice, "I can never thank you enough.

A Christmas Inspiration


It was so kind and sweet of you.

A Christmas Inspiration


You don't know how much good you have done me."

A Christmas Inspiration


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning


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