ほうりつ『A Case of Trespass』10


Dan went and carefully closed the door of Ella May's room before he replied.

A Case of Trespass


His face was pale and his voice shaky.

A Case of Trespass



"Mean? Well, Mother, it just means that I've been stealing Mr. Walters's trout all summer—stealing them. That's what it means."

A Case of Trespass


"Oh, Danny! But you didn't know."

A Case of Trespass


"No, but I ought to have remembered that he was the new owner, and have asked him.

A Case of Trespass


I never thought. Mother, what does 'prosecuted according to law' mean?"

A Case of Trespass


"I don't know, I'm sure, Danny.

A Case of Trespass


But if this is so, there's only one thing to be done.

A Case of Trespass


You must go straight to Mr. Walters and tell him all about it."

A Case of Trespass


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning


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