場を白けさせる人『A Christmas Inspiration』5


"Nobody ever comes to see her and she never goes anywhere," said Beth.

A Christmas Inspiration


"Dear me! She must feel lonely now when everybody else is being remembered by their friends.

A Christmas Inspiration


I can't forget her face tonight; it actually haunts me. 

A Christmas Inspiration


Girls, how would you feel if you hadn't anyone belonging to you, and if nobody thought about you at Christmas?"

A Christmas Inspiration


"Ow!" said Olive, as if the mere idea made her shiver.

A Christmas Inspiration


A little silence followed.

A Christmas Inspiration


To tell the truth, none of them liked Miss Allen.

A Christmas Inspiration


They knew that she did not like them either, but considered them frivolous and pert, and complained when they made a racket.

A Christmas Inspiration


"The skeleton at the feast," Jean called her, and certainly the presence of the pale, silent, discontented-looking woman at the No. 16 table did not tend to heighten its festivity.

A Christmas Inspiration


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning