20.The Dainty China Country
最小限の被害"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"202

オズの魔法使い(対訳) They walked carefully through the china country. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz  ドロシーたちは慎重に歩いて、磁器の国を通り […]

20.The Dainty China Country
自由な暮らし"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"201

オズの魔法使い(対訳) “Oh, I don’t mind him a bit,” said Dorothy. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 「私は少しも気にしません」ドロシーが言いました。 “B […]

20.The Dainty China Country
ぼろぼろのピエロ"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"200

オズの魔法使い(対訳) Indeed, a jolly little clown came walking toward them, and Dorothy could see that in spite of his […]

20.The Dainty China Country
磁器ボディー"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"199

オズの魔法使い(対訳) She had such a frightened little voice that Dorothy stopped and said, “Why not?” The Wonderful Wiz […]

20.The Dainty China Country
われもの注意"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"198

オズの魔法使い(対訳) But the pretty milkmaid was much too vexed to make any answer. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz  しかし、その酪 […]

20.The Dainty China Country
あばれうし"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"197

オズの魔法使い(対訳) They began walking through the country of the china people, and the first thing they came to was a […]

20.The Dainty China Country
クッション"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"196

オズの魔法使い(対訳) No one did so much as look at the travelers at first, except one little purple china dog with an e […]

20.The Dainty China Country
人形の国"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"195

オズの魔法使い(対訳) But the strangest of all were the people who lived in this queer country. The Wonderful Wizard of […]

20.The Dainty China Country
壁の向こう"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"194

オズの魔法使い(対訳) So the Scarecrow climbed farther up and sat down on the top of the wall, and Dorothy put her head […]

20.The Dainty China Country
スベスベした壁"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"193

オズの魔法使い(対訳) While the Woodman was making a ladder from wood which he found in the forest Dorothy lay down and […]
