her apron『#13_大いなる遺産』対訳



Great Expectations
Original and Japanese translation

My sister, Mrs. Joe, with black hair and eyes, had such a prevailing redness of skin that I sometimes used to wonder whether it was possible she washed herself with a nutmeg-grater instead of soap.

Great Expectations


She was tall and bony, and almost always wore a coarse apron, fastened over her figure behind with two loops, and having a square impregnable bib in front, that was stuck full of pins and needles.

Great Expectations


She made it a powerful merit in herself, and a strong reproach against Joe, that she wore this apron so much.

Great Expectations


Though I really see no reason why she should have worn it at all; or why, if she did wear it at all, she should not have taken it off, every day of her life.

Great Expectations


Reference : Great Expectations by Charles Dickens(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning