きゅうち #7『幸運なハンス』
Hans in luck(対訳・英語勉強中)
"Yes, indeed," said Hans, weighing it in his hand, "very fine to be sure; but my pig is not to be despised."
Hans in luck
Upon which the peasant glanced cautiously on all sides, and shook his head.
Hans in luck
"I am afraid," said he, "that there is something not quite right about your pig. In the village I have just left one had actually been stolen from the bailiff's yard. I fear, I fear you have it in your hand; they have sent after the thief, and it would be a bad look-out for you if it was found upon you; the least that could happen would be to be thrown into a dark hole."
Hans in luck
Poor Hans grew pale with fright.
Hans in luck
"For heaven's sake," said he, "help me out of this scrape, I am a stranger in these parts; take my pig and give me your goose."
Hans in luck
"It will be running some risk," answered the man, "but I will do it sooner than that you should come to grief."
Hans in luck
And so, taking the cord in his hand, he drove the pig quickly along a by-path, and lucky Hans went on his way home with the goose under his arm.
Hans in luck
"The more I think of it," said he to himself, "the better the bargain seems; first I get the roast goose; then the fat; that will last a whole year for bread and dripping; and lastly the beautiful white feathers which I can stuff my pillow with; how comfortably I shall sleep upon it, and how pleased my mother will be!"
Hans in luck
Reference : Household Stories, from the collection of the bros: Grimm(project gutenberg)
translated from the German by Lucy Crane
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning