The Story of Mrs. Tubbs 日本語訳
The old woman did not own the farm although she had lived on it so long.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
The farm belonged to a man up in London who never came there at all.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
This man, one fine day at the end of summer when the leaves were beginning to fall in the woods, sent his nephew, a very silly young man with a red face, down from London to live in the farm-house instead of Mrs. Tubbs.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
Punk, Ponk and Pink and the old woman were all dreadfully sad at having to leave the home where they had been so happy together for so many years.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
As the sun was going down behind the little church one evening at the end of Summer when the leaves were beginning to fall in the woods, they all left the farm together, Punk in front, then Pink, then Ponk and Mrs. Tubbs behind.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
They walked a long, long way along the edge of the woods and at last when they saw a seat under a tree they all sat down to rest.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
“Oh dear, oh dear,” Mrs. Tubbs kept saying, “now I have no home, no place to sleep. And me an old woman.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
To be turned off the farm after all these years! What shall I do, where shall I go? Oh dear, oh dear!”
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning