


The Story of Mrs. Tubbs 日本語訳

Now every year when all the swallows heard Tilly Twitter sing this song they knew it was time for them to get together to fly to Africa because they don’t like the winter’s cold in England.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


So now when they heard it they got their children together and snatching up their bags and bundles, they all flew towards Mrs. Tubbs’s farm.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


So many of them came that the sky grew dark and people thought the night was come.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


And the farm-boys in the country around stopped their plough-horses and said, “There go the swallows, getting ready to fly to Africa. The frost will soon be here.”

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


For five hours they kept coming, more and more and more of them.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


They gathered around Tilly, sitting on house, on the barn and the railings, on the gates, on the bridge and on the stones. But never on the trees. Swallows never sit on trees.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


So many of them came that the whole land seemed covered with the blue of their wings and the white of their breasts.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning