


The Story of Mrs. Tubbs 日本語訳

When the wasps could not find Punk any more they thought the man had hidden him somewhere so they set upon him and stung him.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


And the rest of them stung all the cats they could find in the house and drove them away across the fields.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


Poor Beefsteak-and-Onions ran out into the yard and shut himself up in the barn to get away from the wasps.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


Then he laid down his spade and put on his coat and said,

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


“I’ll leave this house today. My uncle can come and live here himself if he wants to.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


But I’m going back to London Town.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


I didn’t want to turn the old lady out anyway.

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


I do not believe my uncle knew anyone was living here at all. I am going today.”

The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting


Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning