うれしい贈り物『A Christmas Inspiration』1


"Well, I really think Santa Claus has been very good to us all," said Jean Lawrence, pulling the pins out of her heavy coil of fair hair and letting it ripple over her shoulders.

A Christmas Inspiration


"So do I," said Nellie Preston as well as she could with a mouthful of chocolates.

A Christmas Inspiration



"Those blessed home folks of mine seem to have divined by instinct the very things I most wanted."

A Christmas Inspiration


It was the dusk of Christmas Eve and they were all in Jean Lawrence's room at No. 16 Chestnut Terrace.

A Christmas Inspiration

 クリスマスイブの夕暮れ時のことでした。彼らはNo. 16 Chestnut Terraceにあるジーン・ローレンスの部屋に集まっていました。

No. 16 was a boarding-house, and boarding-houses are not proverbially cheerful places in which to spend Christmas, but Jean's room, at least, was a pleasant spot, and all the girls had brought their Christmas presents in to show each other.

A Christmas Inspiration


Christmas came on Sunday that year and the Saturday evening mail at Chestnut Terrace had been an exciting one.

A Christmas Inspiration


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning


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