おやこうこう『A Case of Trespass』7


"Oh, I'm all right, Mother," assured Dan cheerfully.

A Case of Trespass


"I don't mind the heat a bit.

A Case of Trespass


A fellow must put up with some inconveniences.

A Case of Trespass


Wait till I bring home the money for these fish.

A Case of Trespass


And I mean to have another catch tonight.

A Case of Trespass


It's you that's looking tired.

A Case of Trespass


I wish you didn't have to work so hard, Mother.

A Case of Trespass


If I could only get a good place you could take it easier.

A Case of Trespass


Sam French says that Mr. Walters wants a boy up there at the factory, but I know I wouldn't do.

A Case of Trespass


I ain't big enough.

A Case of Trespass


Perhaps something will turn up soon though.

A Case of Trespass


When our ship comes in, Mother, we'll have our good times."

A Case of Trespass


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning