妹への贈り物『A Case of Trespass』8


He picked up his flags and went into the little room where his sister lay.

A Case of Trespass


"See what I've brought you, Ella May!" he said, as he thrust the cool, moist clusters into her thin, eager hands. "Did you ever see such beauties?"

A Case of Trespass


"Oh, Dan, how lovely they are! Thank you ever so much!

A Case of Trespass


If you are going over to the Lake this afternoon, will you please call at Mrs. Henny's and get those nutmeg geranium slips she promised me?

A Case of Trespass


Just look how nice my others are growing. The pink one is going to bloom."

A Case of Trespass


"I'll bring you all the geranium slips at the Lake, if you like.

A Case of Trespass


When I get rich, Ella May, I'll build you a big conservatory, and I'll get every flower in the world in it for you.

A Case of Trespass


You shall just live and sleep among posies.

A Case of Trespass


Is dinner ready, Mother? Trouting's hungry work, I tell you. What paper is this?"

A Case of Trespass


He picked up a folded newspaper from the table.

A Case of Trespass


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning