ゆうかん『A Case of Trespass』12


"No, I'll go alone, Mother. You needn't go with me," said Dan heroically.

A Case of Trespass


To himself he said that his mother had troubles enough.

A Case of Trespass


He would never subject her to the added ordeal of an interview with the stern factory owner.

A Case of Trespass


He would beard the lion in his den himself, if it had to be done.

A Case of Trespass


"Don't tell Ella May anything about it.

A Case of Trespass


It would worry her.

A Case of Trespass


And don't cry, Mother, I guess it'll be all right.

A Case of Trespass


Let me have my dinner now and I'll go straight off."

A Case of Trespass


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning