クリスマスの居残り組『A Christmas Inspiration』2


Jean had lighted the pink-globed lamp on her table and the mellow light fell over merry faces as the girls chatted about their gifts.

A Christmas Inspiration


On the table was a big white box heaped with roses that betokened a bit of Christmas extravagance on somebody's part.

A Christmas Inspiration


Jean's brother had sent them to her from Montreal, and all the girls were enjoying them in common.

A Christmas Inspiration


No. 16 Chestnut Terrace was overrun with girls generally.

A Christmas Inspiration

 No. 16 Chestnut Terraceは通常、少女たちであふれかえっていました。

But just now only five were left; all the others had gone home for Christmas, but these five could not go and were bent on making the best of it.

A Christmas Inspiration


Belle and Olive Reynolds, who were sitting on the bed—Jean could never keep them off it—were High School girls; they were said to be always laughing, and even the fact that they could not go home for Christmas because a young brother had measles did not dampen their spirits.

A Christmas Inspiration


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning