クリスマスの期待 #13『クリスマスの間違い』

A Christmas Mistake(対訳・英語勉強中)

When the little Grants came home and heard the news, Teddy stood on his head to express his delight, the twins kissed each other, and Mary Alice and Gordon danced around the kitchen.

A Christmas Mistake


Keith thought himself too big to betray any joy over a Christmas dinner, but he whistled while doing the chores until the bare welkin in the yard rang, and Teddy, in spite of unheard of misdemeanours, was not collared off into the porch once.

A Christmas Mistake


When the young teacher got home from school that evening he found the yellow house full of all sorts of delectable odours.

A Christmas Mistake


Miss Cornelia herself was concocting mince pies after the famous family recipe, while her ancient and faithful handmaiden, Hannah, was straining into moulds the cranberry jelly.

A Christmas Mistake


The open pantry door revealed a tempting array of Christmas delicacies.

A Christmas Mistake


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning