風変わりな個性 #3『隅の老人』

The Old Man in the Corner(対訳・英語勉強中)

She had been reading an article in the Daily Telegraph.

The Old Man in the Corner


The article was palpitatingly interesting.

The Old Man in the Corner


Had Polly been commenting audibly upon it?

The Old Man in the Corner


Certain it is that the man over there had spoken in direct answer to her thoughts.

The Old Man in the Corner


She looked at him and frowned; the next moment she smiled.

The Old Man in the Corner


Miss Burton (of the Evening Observer) had a keen sense of humour, which two years' association with the British Press had not succeeded in destroying, and the appearance of the man was sufficient to tickle the most ultra-morose fancy.

The Old Man in the Corner


Polly thought to herself that she had never seen any one so pale, so thin, with such funny light-coloured hair, brushed very smoothly across the top of a very obviously bald crown.

The Old Man in the Corner


He looked so timid and nervous as he fidgeted incessantly with a piece of string; his long, lean, and trembling fingers tying and untying it into knots of wonderful and complicated proportions.

The Old Man in the Corner


Having carefully studied every detail of the quaint personality Polly felt more amiable.

The Old Man in the Corner


Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning