長期旅行 #10『隅の老人』

The Old Man in the Corner(対訳・英語勉強中)

I have a copy of both these letters here," added the man in the corner, as he took out a piece of paper from a very worn-out pocket-book, and, unfolding it very deliberately, he began to read:—

The Old Man in the Corner


"'Sir,—Your preposterous demands for money are wholly unwarrantable.

The Old Man in the Corner



I have already helped you quite as much as you deserve.

The Old Man in the Corner


However, for the sake of old times, and because you once helped me when I was in a terrible difficulty, I am willing to once more let you impose upon my good nature.

The Old Man in the Corner


A friend of mine here, a Russian merchant, to whom I have sold my business, starts in a few days for an extended tour to many European and Asiatic ports in his yacht, and has invited me to accompany him as far as England.

The Old Man in the Corner


Being tired of foreign parts, and desirous of seeing the old country once again after thirty years' absence, I have decided to accept his invitation.

The Old Man in the Corner


I don't know when we may actually be in Europe, but I promise you that as soon as we touch a suitable port I will write to you again, making an appointment for you to see me in London.

The Old Man in the Corner


But remember that if your demands are too preposterous I will not for a moment listen to them, and that I am the last man in the world to submit to persistent and unwarrantable blackmail.
'I am, sir, 'Yours truly, 'Francis Smethurst.'

The Old Man in the Corner

フランシス・スメサースト 敬具』

Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning


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