
The Old Man in the Corner

"Francis Smethurst was rousing himself from his apathy; he whispered to his lawyer, who nodded with a bland smile of encouragement.

The Old Man in the Corner
  1. Francis Smethurst
  2. he
  3. who
  1. フランシス・スメサーストは無関心だった態度を翻しました。
  2. 彼は弁護士にささやきました。
  3. すると弁護士は柔和な笑みを浮かべて頷きました。

The employés of the Hotel Cecil gave evidence as to the arrival of Mr. Smethurst at about 9.30 p.m. on Wednesday, December the 10th, in a cab, with a quantity of luggage; and this closed the case for the prosecution.


"Everybody in that court already saw Smethurst mounting the gallows.


It was uninterested curiosity which caused the elegant audience to wait and hear what Sir Arthur Inglewood had to say.


He, of course, is the most fashionable man in the law at the present moment.


His lolling attitudes, his drawling speech, are quite the rage, and imitated by the gilded youth of society.


Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning