新たな謎 #26『隅の老人』対訳
The Old Man in the Corner
"A fresh mystery had cropped up.
The Old Man in the Corner
Who, then, had made the assignation with William Kershaw at Fenchurch Street railway station?
The prisoner gave a fairly satisfactory account of the employment of his time since his landing in England.
"'I came over on the Tsarskoe Selo,' he said, 'a yacht belonging to a friend of mine.
When we arrived at the mouth of the Thames there was such a dense fog that it was twenty-four hours before it was thought safe for me to land.
My friend, who is a Russian, would not land at all; he was regularly frightened at this land of fogs.
He was going on to Madeira immediately.
"'I actually landed on Tuesday, the 10th, and took a train at once for town.
I did see to my luggage and a cab, as the porter and driver told your Honour; then I tried to find my way to a refreshment-room, where I could get a glass of wine.
I drifted into the waiting-room, and there I was accosted by a shabbily dressed individual, who began telling me a piteous tale.
Who he was I do not know.
He said he was an old soldier who had served his country faithfully, and then been left to starve.
He begged of me to accompany him to his lodgings, where I could see his wife and starving children, and verify the truth and piteousness of his tale.
Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning