無実のポイント #28『隅の老人』対訳

"'But how do you account for Kershaw knowing all your movements?' still persisted his Honour, 'and his knowing the exact date of your arrival in England? How do you account for these two letters, in fact?'

The Old Man in the Corner

"'I cannot account for it or them, your Honour,' replied the prisoner quietly. 'I have proved to you, have I not, that I never wrote those letters, and that the man—er—Kershaw is his name?—was not murdered by me?'


"'Can you tell me of anyone here or abroad who might have heard of your movements, and of the date of your arrival?'


"'My late employés at Vladivostok, of course, knew of my departure, but none of them could have written these letters, since none of them know a word of English.'


"'Then you can throw no light upon these mysterious letters? You cannot help the police in any way towards the clearing up of this strange affair?'


"'The affair is as mysterious to me as to your Honour, and to the police of this country.'


"Francis Smethurst was discharged, of course; there was no semblance of evidence against him sufficient to commit him for trial.


The two overwhelming points of his defence which had completely routed the prosecution were, firstly, the proof that he had never written the letters making the assignation, and secondly, the fact that the man supposed to have been murdered on the 10th was seen to be alive and well on the 16th.


But then, who in the world was the mysterious individual who had apprised Kershaw of the movements of Smethurst, the millionaire?"


Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning