うぬぼれ #5『隅の老人』
The Old Man in the Corner(対訳・英語勉強中)
The attitude of that timid man in the corner, therefore, was peculiarly exasperating, and she retorted with sarcasm destined to completely annihilate her self-complacent interlocutor.
The Old Man in the Corner
"What a pity it is, in that case, that you do not offer your priceless services to our misguided though well-meaning police."
The Old Man in the Corner
"Isn't it?" he replied with perfect good-humour.
The Old Man in the Corner
"Well, you know, for one thing I doubt if they would accept them; and in the second place my inclinations and my duty would—were I to become an active member of the detective force—nearly always be in direct conflict.
The Old Man in the Corner
As often as not my sympathies go to the criminal who is clever and astute enough to lead our entire police force by the nose.
The Old Man in the Corner
"I don't know how much of the case you remember," he went on quietly.
The Old Man in the Corner
"It certainly, at first, began even to puzzle me.
The Old Man in the Corner
On the 12th of last December a woman, poorly dressed, but with an unmistakable air of having seen better days, gave information at Scotland Yard of the disappearance of her husband, William Kershaw, of no occupation, and apparently of no fixed abode.
The Old Man in the Corner
She was accompanied by a friend—a fat, oily-looking German—and between them they told a tale which set the police immediately on the move.
The Old Man in the Corner
Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning