億万長者 #8『隅の老人』
The Old Man in the Corner(対訳・英語勉強中)
"Now, mind you, every one knows Smethurst, the Siberian millionaire.
The Old Man in the Corner
Kershaw's story that he had once been called Barker, and had committed a murder thirty years ago, was never proved, was it?
The Old Man in the Corner
I am merely telling you what Kershaw said to his friend the German and to his wife on that memorable afternoon of December the 10th.
The Old Man in the Corner
"According to him Smethurst had made one gigantic mistake in his clever career—he had on four occasions written to his late friend, William Kershaw.
The Old Man in the Corner
Two of these letters had no bearing on the case, since they were written more than twenty-five years ago, and Kershaw, moreover, had lost them—so he said—long ago.
The Old Man in the Corner
According to him, however, the first of these letters was written when Smethurst, alias Barker, had spent all the money he had obtained from the crime, and found himself destitute in New York.
The Old Man in the Corner
Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning