現存する手紙 #11『隅の老人』
The Old Man in the Corner(対訳・英語勉強中)
"The second letter was dated from Southampton," continued the old man in the corner calmly, "and, curiously enough, was the only letter which Kershaw professed to have received from Smethurst of which he had kept the envelope, and which was dated.
The Old Man in the Corner
It was quite brief," he added, referring once more to his piece of paper.
The Old Man in the Corner
"'Dear Sir,—Referring to my letter of a few weeks ago, I wish to inform you that the Tsarskoe Selo will touch at Tilbury on Tuesday next, the 10th.
The Old Man in the Corner
I shall land there, and immediately go up to London by the first train I can get.
The Old Man in the Corner
If you like, you may meet me at Fenchurch Street Station, in the first-class waiting-room, in the late afternoon.
The Old Man in the Corner
Since I surmise that after thirty years' absence my face may not be familiar to you, I may as well tell you that you will recognize me by a heavy Astrakhan fur coat, which I shall wear, together with a cap of the same.
The Old Man in the Corner
You may then introduce yourself to me, and I will personally listen to what you may have to say.
The Old Man in the Corner
'Yours faithfully, 'Francis Smethurst.'
Reference : The Old Man in the Corner by Baroness Orczy(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning