A Handful of Fur『#6 ベンジャミンバニーのおはなし』



Original and Japanese translation

Old Mr. Bunny had no opinion whatever of cats.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


He took a tremendous jump off the top of the wall on to the top of the cat, and cuffed it off the basket, and kicked it into the greenhouse, scratching off a handful of fur.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


The cat was too much surprised to scratch back.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


When old Mr. Bunny had driven the cat into the greenhouse, he locked the door.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


Then he came back to the basket and took out his son Benjamin by the ears, and whipped him with the little switch.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


Then he took out his nephew Peter.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


Then he took out the handkerchief of onions, and marched out of the garden.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


When Mr. McGregor returned about half an hour later he observed several things which perplexed him.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


It looked as though some person had been walking all over the garden in a pair of clogs—only the footmarks were too ridiculously little!

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


Also he could not understand how the cat could have managed to shut herself up inside the greenhouse, locking the door upon the outside.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


When Peter got home his mother forgave him, because she was so glad to see that he had found his shoes and coat.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


Cotton-tail and Peter folded up the pocket-handkerchief, and old Mrs. Rabbit strung up the onions and hung them from the kitchen ceiling, with the bunches of herbs and the rabbit-tobacco.

The Tale Of Benjamin Bunny


Reference : The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning