煙突くぐり『The Tale of Samuel Whiskers; Or, The Roly-Poly Pudding』8


He jumped right up into the fire-place, balancing himself upon the iron bar where the kettle hangs.

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers


Tom Kitten took another big jump off the bar, and landed on a ledge high up inside the chimney, knocking down some soot into the fender.

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers


Tom Kitten coughed and choked with the smoke; and he could hear the sticks beginning to crackle and burn in the fire-place down below.

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers


He made up his mind to climb right to the top, and get out on the slates, and try to catch sparrows.

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers


"I cannot go back. If I slipped I might fall in the fire and singe my beautiful tail and my little blue jacket."

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers


The chimney was a very big old-fashioned one.

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers


It was built in the days when people burnt logs of wood upon the hearth.

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers


The chimney stack stood up above the roof like a little stone tower, and the daylight shone down from the top, under the slanting slates that kept out the rain.

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers


Reference : The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning