不穏な兆し #7『カンタヴィルの幽霊』

The Canterville Ghost(対訳・英語勉強中)

“I knew Pinkerton would do it,” he exclaimed, triumphantly, as he looked round at his admiring family;

The Canterville Ghost


but no sooner had he said these words than a terrible flash of lightning lit up the sombre room, a fearful peal of thunder made them all start to their feet, and Mrs. Umney fainted.

The Canterville Ghost


“What a monstrous climate!” said the American Minister, calmly, as he lit a long cheroot.

The Canterville Ghost


“I guess the old country is so overpopulated that they have not enough decent weather for everybody.

The Canterville Ghost


I have always been of opinion that emigration is the only thing for England.”

The Canterville Ghost


“My dear Hiram,” cried Mrs. Otis, “what can we do with a woman who faints?”

The Canterville Ghost


“Charge it to her like breakages,” answered the Minister;“she won’t faint after that;” and in a few moments Mrs. Umney certainly came to.

The Canterville Ghost


There was no doubt, however, that she was extremely upset, and she sternly warned Mr. Otis to beware of some trouble coming to the house.

The Canterville Ghost


“I have seen things with my own eyes, sir,” she said, “that would make any Christian's hair stand on end, and many and many a night I have not closed my eyes in sleep for the awful things that are done here.”

The Canterville Ghost


Mr. Otis, however, and his wife warmly assured the honest soul that they were not afraid of ghosts, and, after invoking the blessings of Providence on her new master and mistress, and making arrangements for an increase of salary, the old housekeeper tottered off to her own room.

The Canterville Ghost


Reference : The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning