Nightmare『#20 カンタヴィルの幽霊』



The Canterville Ghost
Original and Japanese translation

As for the twins, he was quite determined to teach them a lesson.

The Canterville Ghost


The first thing to be done was, of course, to sit upon their chests, so as to produce the stifling sensation of nightmare.

The Canterville Ghost



Then, as their beds were quite close to each other, to stand between them in the form of a green, icy-cold corpse, till they became paralyzed with fear,

The Canterville Ghost


and finally, to throw off the winding-sheet, and crawl round the room, with white, bleached bones and one rolling eyeball, in the character of “Dumb Daniel, or the Suicide's Skeleton,” a role in which he had on more than one occasion produced a great effect,

The Canterville Ghost

 そして最後に、ウィンディングシートを脱ぎ捨てて、部屋を這いまわる予定でした。白く漂白した骨と、ぎょろつく片目を持った“Dumb Daniel, or the Suicide’s Skeleton,”の姿で。彼が幾度も大きな成果をあげてきた役のひとつです。

and which he considered quite equal to his famous part of “Martin the Maniac, or the Masked Mystery.”

The Canterville Ghost

 彼はその役が“Martin the Maniac, or the Masked Mystery.”と同等の効果を持っていると考えていました。

At half-past ten he heard the family going to bed.

The Canterville Ghost


For some time he was disturbed by wild shrieks of laughter from the twins, who, with the light-hearted gaiety of schoolboys, were evidently amusing themselves before they retired to rest, but at a quarter-past eleven all was still, and, as midnight sounded, he sallied forth.

The Canterville Ghost


Reference : The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning


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