Career of Three Hundred Years『#12_カンタヴィルの幽霊』



The Canterville Ghost
Original and Japanese translation

On reaching a small secret chamber in the left wing, he leaned up against a moonbeam to recover his breath, and began to try and realize his position.

The Canterville Ghost


Never, in a brilliant and uninterrupted career of three hundred years, had he been so grossly insulted.

The Canterville Ghost


He thought of the Dowager Duchess, whom he had frightened into a fit as she stood before the glass in her lace and diamonds;

The Canterville Ghost


of the four housemaids, who had gone into hysterics when he merely grinned at them through the curtains on one of the spare bedrooms;

The Canterville Ghost


of the rector of the parish, whose candle he had blown out as he was coming late one night from the library, and who had been under the care of Sir William Gull ever since, a perfect martyr to nervous disorders;

The Canterville Ghost


and of old Madam de Tremouillac, who, having wakened up one morning early and seen a skeleton seated in an armchair by the fire reading her diary, had been confined to her bed for six weeks with an attack of brain fever, and, on her recovery, had become reconciled to the Church, and broken off her connection with that notorious sceptic, Monsieur de Voltaire.

The Canterville Ghost


He remembered the terrible night when the wicked Lord Canterville was found chocking in his dressing-room, with the knave of diamonds half-way down his throat, and confessed, just before he died, that he had cheated Charles James Fox out of £50,000 at Crockford's by means of that very card, and swore that the ghost had made him swallow it.

The Canterville Ghost


Reference : The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning