Solemn Duty『#26_カンタヴィルの幽霊』



The Canterville Ghost
Original and Japanese translation

The next day the ghost was very weak and tired.

The Canterville Ghost


The terrible excitement of the last for weeks was beginning to have its effect.

The Canterville Ghost


His nerves were completely shattered, and he started at the slightest noise.

The Canterville Ghost


For five days he kept his room, and at last made up his mind to give up the point of the blood-stain on the library floor.

The Canterville Ghost


If the Otis family did not want it, they clearly did not deserve it.

The Canterville Ghost


They were evidently people on a low, material plane of existence, and quite incapable of appreciating the symbolic value of sensuous phenomena.

The Canterville Ghost


The question of phantasmic apparitions, and the development of astral bodies, was of course quite a different matter, and really not under his control.

The Canterville Ghost


It was his solemn duty to appear in the corridor once a week, and to gibber from the large oriel window on the first and third Wednesdays in every month, and he did not see how he could honourably escape from his obligations.

The Canterville Ghost


It is quite true that his life had been very evil, but, upon the other hand, he was most conscientious in all things connected with the supernatural.

The Canterville Ghost


Reference : The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning