In Point of Law『#60_カンタヴィルの幽霊』和訳



The Canterville Ghost
Original and Japanese translation

“My dear sir, your charming little daughter rendered my unlucky ancestor, Sir Simon, a very important service,

The Canterville Ghost


and I and my family are much indebted to her for her marvellous courage and pluck.

The Canterville Ghost



The jewels are clearly hers, and, egad, I believe that if I were heartless enough to take them from her, the wicked old fellow would be out of his grave in a fortnight, leading me the devil of a life.

The Canterville Ghost


As for their being heirlooms, nothing is an heirloom that is not so mentioned in a will or legal document, and the existence of these jewels has been quite unknown.

The Canterville Ghost


I assure you I have no more claim on them than your butler,

The Canterville Ghost


and when Miss Virginia grows up, I dare say she will be pleased to have pretty things to wear.

The Canterville Ghost


Besides, you forget, Mr. Otis, that you took the furniture and the ghost at a valuation,

The Canterville Ghost


and anything that belonged to the ghost passed at once into your possession,

The Canterville Ghost


as, whatever activity Sir Simon may have shown in the corridor at night, in point of law he was really dead,and you acquired his property by purchase.”

The Canterville Ghost


Reference : The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning


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