The Story of Mrs. Tubbs 日本語訳
Then she stopped talking. Peter Punk and Polly Ponk both understood what she said because they had lived with her so long.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
Pink couldn’t understand because he was only a baby and he kept saying in animal language:—“Let’s go on. I don’t like this place. There’s nothing to eat here.”
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
“I do think it’s a shame,” Polly Ponk said to Punk, “that the old woman should be turned out.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
Did you see the way that stupid man slammed the door after we had gone?
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
I’d like to see him turn me out of my house that way. I’d give him such a peck on his red nose he wouldn’t try it again!
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
But of course she is old, very old. I often wonder how old she really is.”
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
“She is over a hundred, I know,” said Punk.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
“Yes, it is a shame she should have to go for that stupid booby.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
‘Beefsteak-and-Onions’ I call him.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
But it isn’t altogether his fault.
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
He’s only sent here from London by his uncle who owns the farm.”
The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting
Reference : The Story of Mrs. Tubbs by Hugh Lofting(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning