アドバイス『A Case of Trespass』17
"Well, it isn't my mother's, then. I mean to go by hers. You needn't argue no more, Sam. I'm going."
A Case of Trespass
"Go, then!" said Sam, stopping short in disgust.
A Case of Trespass
"You're a big fool, Dan, and serve you right if Walters lands you off to jail; but I don't wish you no ill.
A Case of Trespass
If I can do anything for your family after you're gone, I will, and I'll try and give your remains Christian burial—if there are any remains.
A Case of Trespass
So long, Danny! Give my love to old Walters!"
A Case of Trespass
Dan was not greatly encouraged by this interview.
A Case of Trespass
He shrank more than ever from the thought of facing the stern factory owner.
A Case of Trespass
His courage had almost evaporated when he entered the office at the factory and asked shakily for Mr. Walters.
A Case of Trespass
Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning