ダンの供述『A Case of Trespass』20
"No, sir. We hardly ever see an Advertiser, and nobody told me.
A Case of Trespass
I'd always been used to fishing there, and I never thought but what it was all right to keep on.
A Case of Trespass
I know I ought to have remembered and asked you, but truly, sir, I didn't mean to steal your fish.
A Case of Trespass
I used to sell them over at the hotels.
A Case of Trespass
We saw the notice today, Mother and me, and I came right up.
A Case of Trespass
I've brought you the trout I caught this morning, and—if only you won't prosecute me, sir, I'll pay back every cent I got for the others—every cent, sir—if you'll give me time."
A Case of Trespass
Mr. Walters passed his hand across his mouth to conceal something like a smile.
A Case of Trespass
"Your name is Dan Phillips, isn't it?" he said irrelevantly, "and you live with your mother, the Widow Phillips, down there at Carleton Corners, I understand."
A Case of Trespass
"Yes, sir," said Dan, wondering how Mr. Walters knew so much about him, and if these were the preliminaries of prosecution.
A Case of Trespass
Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning