きょかしょう『A Case of Trespass』21


Mr. Walters took up his pen and drew a blank sheet towards him.

A Case of Trespass


"Well, Dan, I put that notice in because I found that many people who used to fish on my pond, irrespective of leave or licence, were accustomed to lunch or camp on my property, and did not a little damage.

A Case of Trespass


I don't care for trouting myself; I've no time for it.

A Case of Trespass


However, I hardly think you'll do much damage.

A Case of Trespass


You can keep on fishing there.

A Case of Trespass


I'll give you a written permission, so that if any of my men see you they won't interfere with you.

A Case of Trespass


As for these trout here, I'll buy them from you at Mosquito Lake prices, and will say no more about the matter. How will that do?"

A Case of Trespass


"Thank you, sir," stammered Dan.

A Case of Trespass


He could hardly believe his ears.

A Case of Trespass


He took the slip of paper Mr. Walters handed to him and rose to his feet.

A Case of Trespass


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning