深夜の行列『A Christmas Inspiration』11


All this had taken time and it was past eleven o'clock.

A Christmas Inspiration


Miss Allen had cried herself to sleep long ago and everybody else in Chestnut Terrace was abed when five figures cautiously crept down the hall, headed by Jean with a dim lamp.

A Christmas Inspiration


Outside of Miss Allen's door the procession halted and the girls silently arranged their gifts on the floor.

A Christmas Inspiration


"That's done," whispered Jean in a tone of satisfaction as they tiptoed back.

A Christmas Inspiration


"And now let us go to bed or Mrs. Pickrell, bless her heart, will be down on us for burning so much midnight oil. Oil has gone up, you know, girls."

A Christmas Inspiration


It was in the early morning that Miss Allen opened her door.

A Christmas Inspiration


But early as it was, another door down the hall was half open too and five rosy faces were peering cautiously out.

A Christmas Inspiration


The girls had been up for an hour for fear they would miss the sight and were all in Nellie's room, which commanded a view of Miss Allen's door.

A Christmas Inspiration


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning