たのしい朝食『A Christmas Inspiration』13


Breakfast was an unusually cheerful affair at No. 16 that morning.

A Christmas Inspiration

 その朝、No. 16では、いつもと違う楽しい朝食となりました。

There was no skeleton at the feast and everybody was beaming.

A Christmas Inspiration


Miss Allen laughed and talked like a girl herself.

A Christmas Inspiration


"Oh, how surprised I was!" she said.

A Christmas Inspiration


"The roses were like a bit of summer, and those cats of Nellie's were so funny and delightful.

A Christmas Inspiration


And your letter too, Jean!

A Christmas Inspiration


I cried and laughed over it.

A Christmas Inspiration


I shall read it every day for a year."

A Christmas Inspiration


After breakfast everyone went to Christmas service.

A Christmas Inspiration


The girls went uptown to the church they attended.

A Christmas Inspiration


The city was very beautiful in the morning sunshine.

A Christmas Inspiration


There had been a white frost in the night and the tree-lined avenues and public squares seemed like glimpses of fairyland.

A Christmas Inspiration


"How lovely the world is," said Jean.

A Christmas Inspiration


Reference : Short Stories by L. M. Montgomery(project gutenberg)
English – Japanese parallel text, handwriting-based foreign language learning