A Case of Trespass
夢うつつ『A Case of Trespass』23

不法侵入(対訳) "I will if you think I can fill it, sir. I will do my best." A Case of Trespass 「私があなたの条件にあうと思ってくださるな […]

A Case of Trespass
しょうじきもの『A Case of Trespass』22

不法侵入(対訳) "Wait a minute, Dan. How was it you came to tell me this? A Case of Trespass 「ちょっと待ちなさい、ダン。私にこれを伝えに来た […]

A Case of Trespass
きょかしょう『A Case of Trespass』21

不法侵入(対訳) Mr. Walters took up his pen and drew a blank sheet towards him. A Case of Trespass  ミスター・ウォルターズはペンをとっ […]

A Case of Trespass
ダンの供述『A Case of Trespass』20

不法侵入(対訳) "No, sir. We hardly ever see an Advertiser, and nobody told me. A Case of Trespass 「知りませんでした。私たちは新聞をほ […]

A Case of Trespass
台詞が飛ぶ『A Case of Trespass』19

不法侵入(対訳) Dan had carefully thought out a statement of facts beforehand, but every word had vanished from his m […]

A Case of Trespass
たいめん『A Case of Trespass』18

不法侵入(対訳) "He's in his office there," replied the clerk, "but he's very busy. Better leave your message with me […]

A Case of Trespass
アドバイス『A Case of Trespass』17

不法侵入(対訳) "Well, it isn't my mother's, then. I mean to go by hers. You needn't argue no more, Sam. I'm going." […]

A Case of Trespass
くちをつぐむ『A Case of Trespass』16

不法侵入(対訳) "Dan, you chump, listen to me. A Case of Trespass 「ダン、ばか、俺の話を聞け」 That notice says 'prosecuted accordi […]

A Case of Trespass
じはく『A Case of Trespass』15

不法侵入(対訳) "No, I didn't. Do you think I'd have gone near the pond if I had? A Case of Trespass 「見なかったんです。知ってたら、 […]

A Case of Trespass
周知の事実『A Case of Trespass』14

不法侵入(対訳) "No, I'm not going for that. Sam, did you know that Mr. Walters had a notice in the Lake Advertiser t […]
